Crown Hunter Washington
Blenheim |
CH. Crown Hunter Illusion
WW. '98 VDH, AKC Champion
Blenheim |
CH. Immenhof's Union Jack |
CH. Royal Companion Cuddly Dudley |
Chantiz Constance Coin |
Grantilley Gabrielle |
CH. Loranka's Romancer |
Grantilley Love Bug |
Immenhof's My Fair Lady
CH. Immenhof's Donovan |
CH. Royal Companion Cuddly Dudley |
Maggy May of Eastcouirt |
Judyland Bit of Blarney |
Ronnoc Bold Realm from Judyland |
Judyland Lavender |
CH. Peche Melba
v.'t Burgstse Hof
Polish Champion
Blenheim |
CH. Haagen Dazs of Craigowl
Eng. Dutch, Belg, German,
Int. Champion
Blenheim |
CH. Trirayne Alexius the Great |
CH. Toraylac Joshua |
Calamansak Corn Dolly of Trirayne |
Craigowl Vanilla Ice of Clarmill |
Craigowl Dixon |
Craigowl Sorbet |
Jacky v.'t Burgstse Hof
Tricolour |
CH. James Dean v.'t Burgstse
Hof |
CH. Springtime v.'t Burgstse Hof |
Christmas Carol v.'t Burgstse Hof |
Pandora v. 't Burgstse Hof |
Iorix de Vaudival |
Bewitched v.'t Burgstse Hof |